Monday, 29 October 2012


it has been a while, and I know I promised a entry about Närcon and actually I was going to do a Genki entry as well, but truth to be told I don't think my brain will let me do it! Instead I will try to blog more everyday stuff especially now that I got my ipod back

just a small update on my life~ I started in Chinese school and started dancing again! Wish me good luck~

and I'm trying or considering using make up in my everyday, even though I'm scared of ruining the small amount of self confidence I just collected during the last three years.. heh any opinions on this would be nice~

Thaank you for sticking around for so long even without any updates! It means the world to me!! THANK THANK THANK THANK YOU

See you in the very near future~

リ ー ナ  O U T


  1. omg your blog is so pretty!!!

  2. Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you about a broken link on your site. Please email me back and I would be happy to point them out to you.



    1. Hii Angela~
      I hope you see my reply! Thank you for telling me, if you want then you are very welcome to E-mail me the problems at


  3. Lina <3
    Det er virkelig længe siden jeg har hørt fra dig, så det bliver dejligt at få flere blogupdates :)

    mht. makeup. Måske bare en lille streg over øjet :) det behøves jo ikke være meget makeup - bare lidt.
    Jeg ville også gerne bruge lidt makeup i hverdagen, men jeg føler ikke jeg har tid om morgenen.

    1. Det er nok også hovedgrunden til at jeg ikke orker make up xD So tired in the mornings haha~ but Yes I might try~ I will make updates with before after pictures huhu~

      og det er virkelig lang tid siden ;__;! Jeg håber du har det godt~ <3 Jeg håber vi kan ses snart~

  4. I love you and I miss you sis <3 You'll be beautiful in my eyes no matter how you look~ Du ved, jeg har aldrig rigtig tid om morgenen, siden jeg står for sent op, så makeup er ikke højt prioriteret, når jeg stresser LOL. Men i weekender kan en simpel eyeliner være fint for mig. Men du bestemmer jo selv ^^
    Much love from here~~~

  5. Envy yo blog nevertheless~
