Last Saturday I was actually in school because my high school has something called Tec-day boring much. I would rather be home or just hang out with some friends (which I actually did after). All the second years had to make a technology project; my group was in the “chemistry” lab, where we made bio fuel since our main theme was continuous energy. My group decided to roast marshmallows over bio fuel so it was environment friendly xD and then on Tec-day we had to talk about it and explain the visitors what bio fuel is and such. And omg I got fat that day om nom nom ♥
After school I went to Zaki and Kyouki’s goodbye party before they left for Japan~ I met with my friend Melanie in the train, and went there together. Kyouki’s house is enormous, if I hadn’t a good memory I would totally get lost. It was almost like a fairy tale cattle, which hidden doors and a Narnia closet~
Picture taken by Line Eriksen
It was really cosy (hyggeligt lol) everyone was talking and laughing while eating snacks and drinking Tea~ I think Melanie and I got a bit too intern sometimes with all our K-pop xD but luckily for us Kyouki and a bit Zaki are k-pop fans too, so I think it was okay. It was also really nice to see everyone again, I haven’t seen many of them for months, It made me all hyper and really overjoyed~ Later we also watched a movie, filmed and acted by Zaki, Kyouki, Yono, Yoshu and Hana, which was really really touching and I was impressed. I went ‘WOAH’ a lot of times. It was their version of a story called the summer vacation if I remember right ^_^;
Picture taken by Line Eriksen
After everyone left, we had a dance off or dance show where Melanie could show off her pwnsome dancing skills. She is so incredible! I always get fascinated when I look at her dancing. She and Johanna were actually on stage at SVScon and I was so proud of them. A new dancing standard~ not the usual vocaloid thingie (not that I dislike vocaloid, you just get tired of seeing the same thing all the time xD)~
I was sleeping over till Sunday where we got pancakes till breakfast om nom nom ♥ Some hours after breakfast Melanie and I took the train to her place and I was hanging there for a couple of hours, since I didn’t had school Monday. My payment for going to school a Saturday xD She has a really cute room and well we were just talking Chinese (she is learning haha so cute ♥) and geeking K-pop. 2PM~
I wish Kyouki and Zaki a really really good and safe trip till Japan ;__; I’ll miss these two lovely girls, but I’m sure they will have fun and experience a lot ^^ Can’t wait to see update on Kyouki’s blog~
Lately I also have spent a lot of time with the Tea, Celia, Zarah, Lucas, Rasmus and Brammer crew. Which is funny enough, I get to laugh a lot and be a geek in my everyday~ it helps to unstress and gives me a break from school haha!
Next Monday I’m going on my Study Trip, which I’m looking forward to A LOT, I’m dying just thinking about it!! I Love my class and I’m sure it will be so memorable and awesome! ^__^ We are going to London and staying from Monday till Friday~ I’m sure we’ll experience a lot so expect some long entries either on the trip or when I’m home! Kekeke ★